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The Movement Disorder Clinic of Oklahoma is dedicated to providing patients with opportunities to participate in clinical drug studies for movement disorders. We currently offer clinical studies in treatment of Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Essential tremor, and dystonia.

Clinical Research Trials

Parkinson's disease: 



Disease Modifying Therapy:


*A clinical study of NLY01 in patient's with early Parkinson's disease. 

*A study to evaluate the efficacy of Prasinezumab in participants with early Parkinson's disease.

*An 18 month study to evaluate the efficacy, safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of oral UCB0599 in study participants with early Parkinson's disease. 

*Study assessing efficacy and safety of AKST4290 in subjects with Parkinson's disease on stable dopaminergic therapy.



Advanced Parkinson's disease:

*A study to evaluate the safety and tolerability of ABBV-951in subjects with Parkinson's disease. 

*A study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of of IPX203 in Parkinson's disease patients with motor fluctuations. 

*A clinical trial investigating the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of continuous subcutaneous ND0612 infusion in comparison to oral IR LD/CD in subjects with Parkinson's disease experiencing motor fluctuations (BouNDless).

*A study to evaluate NYX-458 in subjects with PD-Mild Cognitive Impairment.

*ADX48621 for the treatment of levodopa induced dyskinesia in patients with Parkinson's disease.

Essential tremor:

*A study to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of SAGE-324 in participants with Essential tremor. 

Huntington's disease:

The Movement Disorder Clinic of Oklahoma is now a member of the Huntington's disease Study Group. Please inquire about our current clinical drug trial opportunities.

For the most up-to-date information on our clincal drug trials

contact our clinic directly at 918-392-4530 option 5

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